Details of Joint Group

File of legal representative

(Gil Llanos, Begoña)

Gil Llanos, Begoña

Electoral Candidacy

Electoral Candidacy:

partido Socialista De Euskadi-euskadiko Ezkerra (PSE-EE (PSOE))




General Assembly of Bizkaia

In the General Assemblies since:



Position in the term of office:

Start Date: 06/22/2023

Position in Groups of Representatives:

Socialistas Vascos. From 06/23/2023

History of membership of joint group

Position on the Board:

First Vice Chairman. From 06/22/2023

Position in the Spokespersons' Assembly:

First Vice Chairman. From 06/22/2023

    Activity of joint group

  • Committee: Pleno

    First Vice Chairman. From 06/22/2023

  • Committee: Institucional, Buen Gobierno y Transparencia

    Secretary. From 07/20/2023

  • Committee: Reglamento y Gobierno

    First Vice Chairman. From 07/20/2023

  • Committee: Empleo, Cohesión Social e Igualdad

    Chairman. From 07/20/2023

  • Committee: Pleno de Control

    First Vice Chairman. From 06/22/2023


Position in the term of office:

Start Date: 06/17/2019

Finishing Date: 04/04/2023

Position in Groups of Representatives:

Socialistas Vascos. (06/24/2019 - 04/04/2023)

History of membership of joint group

Position on the Board:

First Vice Chairman. (06/17/2019 - 04/04/2023)

    Activity of joint group

  • Committee: Pleno

    First Vice Chairman. (06/17/2019 - 04/04/2023)

  • Committee: Institucional, Buen Gobierno y Transparencia

    Vocal. (10/13/2020 - 04/04/2023)

    Replaces: Rico Lezama, Ekain

  • Committee: Reglamento y Gobierno

    First Vice Chairman. (07/23/2019 - 04/04/2023)

  • Committee: Empleo, Inclusión Social e Igualdad

    Chairman. (07/22/2019 - 04/04/2023)

  • Committee: Pleno de Control

    First Vice Chairman. (06/17/2019 - 04/04/2023)


Position in the term of office:

Start Date: 06/16/2015

Finishing Date: 04/02/2019

Position in Groups of Representatives:

Socialistas Vascos. (06/24/2015 - 04/02/2019)

History of membership of joint group

Position on the Board:

First Vice Chairman. (06/16/2015 - 04/02/2019)

    Activity of joint group

  • Committee: Pleno

    First Vice Chairman. (06/16/2015 - 04/02/2019)

  • Committee: Economía y Hacienda

    Vocal. (11/24/2016 - 12/20/2016)

    Replaced by: Rico Lezama, Ekain

    Replaces: Castelo de Sa, Alexia

  • Committee: Reglamento y Gobierno

    First Vice Chairman. (07/27/2015 - 04/02/2019)

  • Committee: Empleo, Inserción Social e Igualdad

    Chairman. (07/27/2015 - 04/02/2019)

  • Committee: Transportes, Movilidad y Cohesión del Territorio

    Vocal. (11/29/2016 - 12/20/2016)

    Replaced by: Rico Lezama, Ekain

    Replaces: Colmenero Ares, Joaquin

  • Committee: Pleno de Control

    First Vice Chairman. (06/16/2015 - 04/02/2019)

  • Committee: Grupo de trabajo en Comisión de Reglamento y Gobierno

    Vocal. (11/22/2016 - 04/02/2019)

    Replaces: Castelo de Sa, Alexia

  • Committee: Ponencia Rglato y Gobno EXPT 3053

    Vocal. (11/22/2016 - 04/02/2019)

    Replaces: Castelo de Sa, Alexia

  • Committee: Estudio sobre participación ciudadana

    Secretary. (06/16/2015 - 04/02/2019)

  • Committee: Ponencia para el estudio de la Proposición de Norma Foral sobre el procedimiento de iniciativa normativa municipal

    Vocal. (06/16/2015 - 04/02/2019)


Position in the term of office:

Start Date: 06/13/2011

Finishing Date: 03/31/2015

Position in Groups of Representatives:

Socialistas Vascos. (06/21/2011 - 03/31/2015)

History of membership of joint group

Position on the Board:

Second Vice Chairman. (06/13/2011 - 03/31/2015)

Position in the Spokespersons' Assembly:

Second Vice Chairman. (06/13/2011 - 03/31/2015)

    Activity of joint group

  • Committee: Pleno

    Second Vice Chairman. (06/13/2011 - 03/31/2015)

  • Committee: Social Action

    Chairman. (10/03/2011 - 03/31/2015)

  • Committee: Regulation and Government

    Second Vice Chairman. (07/12/2011 - 03/31/2015)

  • Committee: Permanent Board

    Second Vice Chairman. (06/26/2012 - 03/31/2015)

  • Committee: Contracting Board

    Second Vice Chairman. (06/13/2011 - 03/31/2015)

  • Committee: Reporting Committee on the Modification of the General Assemblies Regulation

    Apoderado/a. (02/12/2013 - 03/31/2015)