Details of Joint Group

File of legal representative

(Vaquero Moreno, Ricardo)

Vaquero Moreno, Ricardo

Electoral Candidacy

Electoral Candidacy:

elkarrekin Podemos (podemos, Ezker Anitza-iu, Equo Berdeak) (EP)




General Assembly of Bizkaia

In the General Assemblies since:



Position in the term of office:

Start Date: 06/22/2023

Position in Groups of Representatives:

Grupo Mixto-Elkarrekin Bizkaia. From 06/23/2023

History of membership of joint group

Position on the Board:

Second Secretary. From 06/22/2023

Position in the Spokespersons' Assembly:

Second Secretary. From 06/22/2023

    Activity of joint group

  • Committee: Pleno

    Second Secretary. From 06/22/2023

  • Committee: Medio Natural y Agricultura

    Vocal. From 07/20/2023

  • Committee: Euskera, Cultura y Deporte

    Vocal. From 07/20/2023

  • Committee: Reglamento y Gobierno

    Second Secretary. From 07/20/2023

  • Committee: Estatuto del Apoderado y de la Apoderada

    Vocal. From 07/20/2023

  • Committee: Empleo, Cohesión Social e Igualdad

    Vocal. From 07/20/2023

  • Committee: Comisión Provisional de Incompatibilidades

    Vocal. From 06/22/2023

  • Committee: Promoción Económica

    Vocal. From 07/20/2023

  • Committee: Pleno de Control

    Second Secretary. From 06/22/2023

  • Committee: Infraestructuras y Desarrollo Territorial

    Vocal. From 07/20/2023

  • Committee: ESTUDIO sobre la Gestión forestal de los bosques de Bizkaia.

    Vocal. From 05/02/2024